Water, Energy and Environment
A community initiative towards conservation of the critical elements of our life.
Wee can make it, if we maintain the focus...
This is a community website. Someone whom you know may have provided the URL to you. Please be assured that this website will not send any e-mails or marketting messages to you.
To keep away unidentified people, this website requires login.
This is a community website for locations in and around Maharashtra state of India. Various links are provided to capture and/or view data related to W E E.
To maintain basic un-annonymity, authentication by social media platforms external to this site is implemented to capture login id and name of the visitor.
Hence it is recommended that anyone visiting this website will login using his/her social media identity like Google mail Id or Facebook account Id.
Authentication of the visiting user will be performed directly by those respective social media platforms though their webpages or login forms.
There is no intention and no mechanism to capture the personal data of the visitors to / users of this website.
This site generally will not store and will not display any sensitive personal information (SPI) about the visitors, users, community groups and team members.
You are welcome to contribute here and can view the data points as may be relevant for your area of work.
All the links in home page and header and footer are self-explanatory.
Some links will require explicit acccess to be granted, and some others are open to all even without logging in.
This website is hosted through a subscription purchased from Hostinger India and is based on LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) software application stack.
SSL certificate used at this site is from Let's Encrypt and is fully secure and functional as per industry standards.
This is a work in progress and continuously evolving website in terms of pages and content, and some of the links and pages may be partly functional.